Holistically Happy Life Coach - uk

Holistically Happy Life Coach - uk

Through every aspect of her work Kirsty Taylor, founder of This Happy Guru, creates empowerment. Whether she's working with adults or children her passion and drive is to really engage her clients with the idea that their lives are their legacy and to connect them more consciously to what that actually looks like, feels like and means to them. Thorough her combined work of Psychosomatic Healing and Holistic Happiness Coaching Kirsty works by looking at the 5 Parts of Self and isolating imbalances and misalignments within the framework and experience of your physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual Selves. When one aspect is out of balance, it impacts on the whole. Equally when we begin to work positively with one aspect we begin to positively influence the whole. Because many of the beliefs and upsetting experiences are stored by the mind within the body, it is necessary to connect mind and body to release negative patterns. If trauma has been experienced, especially in childhood, when language and reasoning are less accessible by the conscious mind, the emotional experience is stored by the body to be processed when the subconscious mind feels it is safe to do so. If not addressed, the build up of these experiences and trauma responses can result in conditions like anxiety, depression, anger issues, narcissism, lack of self belief, esteem and confidence as well as through the physical body in illness, addiction, allergies, pain or disease. Through her unique coaching methodology, which fuses psychosomatic (mind-body) healing, the neuro-experiential therapy Brainspotting, meditation, quantum physics, Yoga, mindfulness, epigenetics and plant therapy amongst other modalities, Kirsty invites you to empower yourself through healing old wounds which affect emotions, thoughts and behaviours so that you can be the BEST version of you that you can be, whilst supporting you to create and take action on your goals that will get you to where you want to be and to how you want to feel, going forward