Unite Mind,Body & Emotion


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What people say...

Holistically Happy Life Coach - uk

Through every aspect of her work Kirsty Taylor, founder of This Happy Guru, creates empowerment. Whether she's working with adults or children her passion and drive is to really engage her clients with the idea that their lives are their legacy and to connect them more consciously to what that actually looks like, feels like and means to them. Thorough her combined work of Psychosomatic Healing and Holistic Happiness Coaching Kirsty works by... Learn more

Gennye Lion, UK

"She works on every level of my being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually"

"... if you are passionate about getting to know your own body and connect with it deeply, Kirsty will help you do this. The effects are not only on a physical level but all levels of your being" 

Lesley C, UK

"Its been a life changing experience for me..."

"I've banished the self doubt and self judgement that came through from all areas of my life... all the negativity I attached to everything, all the lies I'd been telling myself..."

To hear Lesley's full video testimonial click here 


6 Reviews


22 July 2024

22 July


Kirsty guided me through a time where I was feeling really anxious and having panic attacks. Through brain spotting and our weekly chats I am feeling better tha...
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Victoria Russell

16 July 2024

16 July


Absolutely the best ever. Words can't really describe how much this having this in my life has made such a difference and still is. I feel empowered and found a...
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